Magical Realism, Writing, Fiction, Politics, Haiku, Books

sábado, diciembre 03, 2005

Shameless Winter Commerce

Today in my secure, undisclosed location it is snowing lightly. It is cold. The sun is blue. It's just the beginning of the dark, long months. It's a long slog from here to the daffodils. But there are ways other than disorienting intoxication or covering your head with a pillow to get through this.

There are a few I can offer.

First, come to a reading of The Dream Antilles. Two are coming up. Next Friday, December 9, 2005 at Spotty Dog Books and Brew, Warren Street, Hudson, New York from 5 until 7 pm. In addition to the reading during Happy Hour, they have great beer and lots of it. And then on Saturday, there's a second reading, Saturday, December 17, 2005, at Red Maple Books, Harlemville, Ghent, New York from 2 to 4 pm. This will be fun. Red Maple is a brand new bookstore! At both you can buy The Dream Antilles, and I'll sign your books.

Which brings us to a second offer. The Winter Holidays (Christmas, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Solstice, etc.) are coming up. Most of these involve giving gifts. So give a gift that keeps on giving: send your friends The Dream Antilles, use it as a stocking stuffer, read it for assistance in making New Year's Resolutions. You can order it at any of the local bookstores, and if they cannot get it for you quickly enough, there's always and Barnes and Noble. Not to mention about 75 other online sources you can find by googling The Dream Antilles.

And finally, you can daydream the tropics. Start here. I hope this helps.