It's Election Day At Last! Let's Make History! Let's Vote For Barack Obama! Let's Make It A Landslide!

Today we're making history.
I voted this morning at about 7:30 am in the First District of the Town of Austerlitz, Columbia County, New York, a blue district in a blue town in a blue county in a blue state. The poll is just across the road at the firehouse. The polls opened at 6 am. There is one voting machine for District 1, and another for the other District. I was the 60th person to vote in this district. That, I think, means that even here, where there are no real contests (I think Kirsten Gillibrand is a shoe in for NY-20), there will be an extremely heavy turn out.
I voted for Barack Obama. Forty years ago, when I was a community organizer in Alabama, if you had told me that I'd have the opportunity to vote for a black man for president of the United States on the Democratic Party line, I would have thought you were utterly crazy. A crazy optimist. An idealist. A dreamer. Out of reality. So I was utterly delighted to pull the lever today for Barack Obama. And to help out our friends in the Working Families Party, I pulled the lever on their line.
The turnout here and the predictions in the media suggest that across America there will be a gigantic turnout, perhaps a record one, certainly an historic one.
In cities and suburbs across America there will be huge lines and delays. It's only in rural places like here that you can vote within 15 minutes of arriving at the polls. Voters have to anticipate long delays. Voters have to be willing to put up with this. So it is important that people just stay. in. line. until their votes are cast. However long that might be. And if you're inclined to help these folks standing in line, bring them water, food, gloves, whatever will help them just stay. in. line.
It's also important that any of the common irregularities be corrected, and that the large scale ones, if there are any, be reported immediately to the Obama campaign.
Please vote. Please vote for Barack Obama. Please vote for hope and change. And please help us make history today.
Etiquetas: Barack Obama, election day, Elections
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