Magical Realism, Writing, Fiction, Politics, Haiku, Books

domingo, junio 12, 2011

It Was A Hoax. There Is No Amina

Well, well, well. Here is the latest post at A Gay Girl In Damascus. It makes it perfectly clear that the entire Amina Arraf, Amina Abdalla kidnap and the entire contents of the blog are a complete fake. The title is "Apology to readers":

I never expected this level of attention. While the narrative voıce may have been fictional, the facts on thıs blog are true and not mısleading as to the situation on the ground. I do not believe that I have harmed anyone -- I feel that I have created an important voice for issues that I feel strongly about.

I only hope that people pay as much attention to the people of the Middle East and their struggles in thıs year of revolutions. The events there are beıng shaped by the people living them on a daily basis. I have only tried to illuminate them for a western audience.

This experience has sadly only confirmed my feelings regarding the often superficial coverage of the Middle East and the pervasiveness of new forms of liberal Orientalism.

However, I have been deeply touched by the reactions of readers.

Tom MacMaster,
Istanbul, Turkey
July 12, 2011

The sole author of all posts on this blog

Let the gnashing of teeth begin.

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