Magical Realism, Writing, Fiction, Politics, Haiku, Books

viernes, marzo 11, 2011

Kyrie Eleison For Japan

Kyrie Eleison
Hashem Yerachem (ה' ירחם)

May all beings who are exposed find shelter.
May all beings who are hungry be fed.
May all beings who are thirsty have water.
May all beings who are injured be healed.
May all beings who are in pain have relief.
May all beings who are lost be found.
May all beings who are trapped be freed.
May all beings who are searching find what they seek.
May all beings who are sick be well.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings be comforted.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be free from fear.
May all beings be free from despair.
May all beings breathe freely.
And may all beings have peace.

Let it be so.

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